Career Upgrade

Preis730 €
Nächster Kurs24/03/2025
Dauer16 Stunden

  • Seit 2019 sind sowohl die berufsspezifischen Kurse als auch die Kurse der Unternehmensführung für alle Interessierten zugänglich: der angegebene Preis ist der Vorzugstarif für die Mitgliedsbetriebe der Chambre des Métiers (15 % Preiszuschlag für alle nicht eingetragenen Betriebe).
  • Einschreibung für kostenlose Kurse: Die Anmeldung ist obligatorisch, es wird jedoch keine Gebühr erhoben.
  • Persönliche Daten : Die Felder mit (*) sind obligatorisch, um Ihre Anmeldung zu verwalten und eine ordnungsgemäße Bescheinigung auszustellen. (Teilnahmebescheinigung für kostenlose Webinare nur auf Anfrage). Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie in den Allgemeinen Bedingungen zur Teilnahme an den Weiterbildungskursen der Chambre des Métiers.


The participants will be able to identify electrical hazards, understand HV installations and apply lockout/tagout procedures using the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and collective protective equipment (EPC).
On completion of the course, participants will be able to work safely and responsibly in workshops on electrified vehicles, particularly when they are shutting down. The following themes will be addressed: *Identifying electrical risks *Understanding the installation of high-voltage (HV) systems *Implement consignment and de-consignment procedures using the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and collective protective equipment (CPE).


*Knowledge (validated by a prior learning assessment):
Understanding electrical risks (effects of electrical current on the human body)
Master the 9 general principles of accident prevention
Know what to do in the event of an electrical accident
Understanding the "HV" installation in an intrinsically safe vehicle
Master the 5 safety rules for powering down when working on an electrified vehicle
*Skills (validated by a prior learning assessment):
Appropriate use of PPE and EPC
Identify the different "HV" components
Applying safety instructions and the 5 rules on shutdown procedures and vehicle reinstatement post service or repair.
Follow a fault detection procedure for the "HV" system (down).
*Attitudes :
Take an active part in training
Applying safety instructions and good practice
Work responsibly during your own operations
Supervise work carried out by another technician on a safe-down vehicle


The certificate is valid for 5 years.


Employees and self-employed persons in the private and public sectors working in a vehicle maintenance workshop who wish to be authorized to carry out work on electrified vehicles. They must first have a professional qualification resulting from the completion of training, e.g. as an engineer, technician, master or journeyman in electrical engineering. In the case of a current professional qualification, this training must take place at the end of the course when the candidate has mastered all the modules relating to electricity.


English Session

Status:  Freie Plätze
Ort: CNFPC Ehlange-sur-Mess
24/03/2025 08:00 - 17:00
31/03/2025 08:00 - 17:00

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Status: enrol

Next date: 24/03/2025




Kunsthandwerk und Kommunikation, Bau- und Wohnbereich, Mode, Gesundheit und Hygiene, Mechanik, Lebensmittelhandwerk, Vollständiger Katalog